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Relapse After Addiction: Causes and Prevention

If one has already relapsed in the past, it is essential to write down the list of triggers that led to recidivism. Also, a list of personalized and generalized warning signs before a potential slip-up is helpful. This may include things such as how one felt before relapsing, activities, warning signs such as increasing isolation, mood swings, a decline in self-care, developing cross addictions, and so on. Along with the client, the therapist needs to explore past circumstances and triggers of relapse. Also, the client is asked to keep a current record where s/he can self-monitor thoughts, emotions or behaviours prior to a binge. One is to help clients identify warning signs such as on-going stress, seemingly irrelevant decisions and significant positive outcome expectancies with the substance so that they can avoid the high-risk situation.

Abstinence Stage

A common example is when people give themselves permission to use on holidays or on a trip. It is a common experience that airports and all-inclusive resorts are high-risk environments in early recovery. Another form of bargaining is when people start to think that they can relapse periodically, perhaps in a controlled way, for example, once or twice a year. Bargaining also can take the form of switching one addictive substance for another. There are different models and techniques to include in your relapse prevention plan. They’re based on building your knowledge and skills to combat substance use.

The Stages Of Drug Relapse

It helps to acknowledge these benefits in therapy so that individuals can understand the importance of self-care and be motivated to find healthy alternatives. But clients and families often begin recovery by hoping that they don’t have to change. They often enter treatment saying, “We want our old life back — without the using.” I try to help clients understand that wishing for their old life back is like wishing for relapse. Rather than seeing the need for change as a negative, they are encouraged to see recovery as an opportunity for change. If they make the necessary changes, they can go forward and be happier than they were before.

Examples of Relapses

Researchers and practitioners have identified multiple steps which help to explain the progression of many individuals through the process of recovery. Eat a well-balanced diet with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. Following these healthy habits will help you feel better and more in control of your life. Relapse means going back to using after you’ve been abstinent for some time.

The Power of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

This list typically includes trusted individuals, such as close friends, family members, sponsors, or therapists, who can offer assistance, guidance, or a listening ear when needed. The list should be easily accessible, ensuring that help is just a call or message away during challenging times. A readily available support system can make the difference between maintaining sobriety and succumbing to relapse. Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP) is a novel treatment approach integrating cognitive-behavioral relapse prevention strategies with mindfulness meditation.

The expected drug effects do not necessarily correspond with the actual effects experienced after consumption. Based on operant conditioning, the motivation to use in a particular situation is based on the expected positive or negative reinforcement value of a specific outcome in that situation5. Both negative and positive expectancies are related to relapse, with negative expectancies being protective against relapse and positive expectancies being a risk factor for relapse4. Those who drink the most tend to have higher expectations regarding the positive effects of alcohol9. In high-risk situations, the person expects alcohol to help him or her cope with negative emotions or conflict (i.e. when drinking serves as “self-medication”). Expectancies are the result of both direct and indirect (e.g. perception of the drug from peers and media) experiences3.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Relapse Prevention

Eventually, they stop focusing on the progress they have made and begin to see the road ahead as overwhelming [16]. Remember, reaching out for help and support is vital if you ever feel overwhelmed or struggling. Long-term sobriety is possible and starts with taking that first step. 12-step programs, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Cocaine Anonymous (CA), and Narcotics Anonymous (NA), provide additional guidance and support for people in recovery. Besides signing up for recovery programs, keeping track of your progress is also integral to maintaining sobriety.

Also, an initial lapse can lead to an increased obsession with further use. After a few entries, participants may notice patterns and similarities about their urges. The log then becomes a road map that will help them to anticipate situations and emotions that may trigger urges and  plan ways to avoid recognized triggers or distract themselves from the urge until it passes.